Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

Atlantic immigration program is an employer-driven program and specifically designed to help employers in Atlantic Canada to hire qualified candidates for jobs they are unable to fill locally. The Government of Canada also inspires foreign workers to make it sure beforehand that the employer has officially been designated under the Atlantic Immigration Pilot. Job offers from designated employers must be endorsed by the respective provinces before the foreign workers can apply for the Canadian Permanent Resident status through Atlantic Immigration pilot program (AIPP). Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island are the four provinces where Atlantic immigration program is running on a fast track.

Government of Canada introduced this program in 2017 in collaboration with provincial government with an aim to welcome more than 7000 newcomers along with their families to Atlantic Canada region by 2021.

Following are the five priority areas of an overall Atlantic Growth strategy:

  • Skilled workers and immigration;
  • Trade and investment;
  • Clean growth and investment;
  • Infrastructure; and
  • Innovation;

Atlantic immigration pilot program: how it works

All the principal applicants arriving in Canada under the pilot program must have a valid job offer from a designated employer and an individualized settlement plan for themselves and their families.

When a designated employer finds a candidate who meets their employment requirements and program criteria, that employer will first need to offer him or her a job. Under this program employers do not need to go through the process of obtaining a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

Once the candidate has accepted the job, the employer will connect the candidate with a designated settlement services provider organization for assessment and to develop a settlement plan. Employers that need to fill a job vacancy urgently will have access to a temporary work permit, so that the candidate and his or her family can come to Canada as soon as possible. In order to obtain this work permit, Candidate will require:

  • A valid job offer;
  • A letter from the province; and
  • A commitment to apply for the permanent residence within 90 days of the temporary work permit application.


Employers that would like to hire skilled immigrants under the pilot program must apply to the province(s) in order to receive the designation whereas the employers who are located in the multiple provinces will require a separate designation for each province. Employer must meet the requirement of his commitment to support the newcomers as well as his or her family as they integrate into their new life in Atlantic Canada.

Candidate Requirements

The Atlantic immigration Pilot program has two following programs for skilled workers:

  • Atlantic High-skilled Program (AHSP)
  • Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program (AISP)

And one program for international student graduates:

  • Atlantic International Graduate Program(AIGP)